ModulAir™ Hail Stow
Hanger System
ModulAir™ Hail Stow Hanger System is a cable management solution designed to accommodate the steep tilt angles of the solar industry’s hail stow tracking systems. Engineered to integrate with any tracking system seamlessly, the ModulAir™ Hail Stow Hanger System optimizes limited space and enhances clearance windows for efficient cable management. Crafted from galvanized steel with a custom coating, this hanging system is scalable and customizable to meet the unique needs of any project. An ideal solution for project managers, engineers, and installers, the ModulAir™ Hail Stow Hanger System was created with top tracker manufacturers’ new designs in mind for maximum compatibility and performance. The ModulAir™ Hail Stow Hanger System also allows for easy integration with CAB® Solar’s existing cable management solutions, providing a comprehensive and efficient system for managing any utility-scale solar installation.
:: Compatible with any hail
stow tracking system
:: Tapered design allows
steeper panel tilts
:: Available in two sizes for
various cabling needs
:: Scalable to meet the
needs of any project

Available in two versatile sizes, these hangers accommodate a diverse range of cable diameters and configurations, ensuring maximum flexibility and adaptability.

The ModulAir™ Hail Stow Hanger System includes a narrower messenger wire L-bracket compatible with a steeper tilted panel. The L-bracket integrates with the panel’s damper arm hardware.